
Echo finds the balance to stroll through the overload of her daily life when she engages with nature. She resets her essence and grows her strength to welcome each new day
with confidence.
I used window mannequins for what they represent to me but brought them to life with photographs I took in Torino of paintings of ancient cupboards, the skirt is funny because I needed a metallic texture so I photographed my kitchen scrub and multiplied it. The “dog hat” I used a 3d ball I constructed a long time ago and shaped a dog figure, inspired on the fact that I have been making many dog figures this year.

Technical information

Original Size: 132 x 100 cm
Original Photo Print under
Acrylic Glass | Fuji Crystal DP II, glossy
Acrylic glass 4 mm glossy

Informação adicional

All copyright and reproduction rights are reserved by the artist.
Camila Fenster

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