My Last Supper


I am a Leonardo da Vinci admirer, besides being a painter he was a genius in many other forms of art. There is a sense of mystery surrounding his works. I have always wanted to make my own “Last Supper” but not in a careless, meaningless or disrespectful way. There are so many interpretations to this work, and every person will have their own, with perhaps some mysteries to find along the way. Leonard da Vinci was also known to be an animal lover and a vegetarian, I have read that he had a habit of buying caged birds to free them into the wild. A vegan feast at the table, where controversial characters are linked in apparent harmony. Casa de Dios as it appears, starring a grinning leopard with a bowl of onions in front, surrounded by comfortable chattering hens & roosters. Your first instinctive thought when you see this work is what the world feels like to me now, what I did was transform that feeling into what seems to be a challenging dream, one more powerful than a million realities. I lost count of the hours I took to make this, but I know it took two months overall to complete a final image. There are so many details to enjoy and discover and then just allow the mind to flow free and be creative. Here is to keeping our dreams alive, always.

Technical information

Original Size: 120 x 240 cm
Original Photo Print under
Acrylic Glass | Fuji Crystal DP II, glossy
Acrylic glass 2 mm glossy, Black Frame

Informação adicional

All copyright and reproduction rights are reserved by the artist.
Camila Fenster

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